- Confidence with the most tested Cable Bus design on the market
- Actual Short Circuit Tests up to 120kA RMS Symmetrical
- Actual Heat Rise Tests on widest range of system ratings
- Actual Heat Rise Test verifying MP Husky Cable Bus in trench applications
- Actual Load Tests confirm structural capability of housing, including 20’ spans

- Established market leader with OVER 60 YEARS of experience
- No known failures with thousands of installations around the world
- Real cost savings and industry renowned reliability
- Field proven in the harshest of environments
- Unmatched installation flexibility to accommodate field obstacles and changes
- Reliable partner to world class Owners and Engineering & Construction firms
- Licensed Professional Engineering staff
- Customer loyalty due to superior service & quality
- Dependable partner that is re-investing and debt free
- Comprehensive fabricating capabilities ensure dependable, quality construction
- Quality System is ISO Compliant, 100% Certified Welders