Cable Bus
Cable Bus Systems CSA UL | MP Husky Aluminum Cable Bus
MP Husky Aluminum Cable Bus is more economical than non-segregated phase bus duct. Field proven for over 45 years to be the most reliable, cost-effective, flexible and maintenance free, low to medium voltage (600V.69kV), high amperage (1000A - 8000A) power distribution system available for both indoor and outdoor applications. MP Husky Aluminum Cable Bus Systems are engineered and manufactured for superior reliability and are designed to utilize less conductive material, providing significant cost savings over non-segregated phase bus duct, conduit and wire, and other electrical feeders. And since MP Husky has designed, manufactured, and installed Bus systems for nearly every industry all over the world, our bus is field proven and client preferred. MP Husky tests its Aluminum & Stainless steel Bus systems to all applicable CSA & UL cable bus standards and ratings, providing a system that is tested, proven and trusted. Compare MP Husky Cable Bus to non-segregated phase bus duct and eee for yourself why MP Husky Aluminum Cable Bus is the industry leader in reliable, cost effective, flexible and maintenance-free electrical busways.